Why horses ?


 While in the presence of horses, what we feel is more important than what we think. Horses are masters at responding to the non-verbal communication of an individual, including our true emotions and feelings. With no judgement, a horse will oftentimes ‘mirror’ our own emotions back to us in their behaviour demonstrated.

Through observation of this, individuals need to be honest with themselves, take responsibility for their actions, feelings and thoughts. As individuals learn to work with the horses, they ultimately learn about themselves.

Horses desire an authentic connection which requires people to come from the heart. Scientific studies have shown that the hearts electromagnetic field is 5000 times stronger than that of the brains electromagnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body in all directions (see https://www.heartmath.com/science/ for more information)

In recognising that the horse has a heart 5 times the size of ours, can you imagine how powerful their electromagnetic field is? Through interactive activities with the horses on the ground, participants are constantly in this electromagnetic field which influences the regulation of their central nervous system and coherence within the heart field. This has a direct impact on the brain as it receives signals from the heart intelligence. As greater stability is experienced through the heart, individuals are able to feel more centred, calm and connected within themselves.

Equine assisted therapy can reach clients in a way that traditional talk therapy cannot (Christian, 2005 ). It is so effective because with the horse, a space is created that is non-judgemental and in the present moment. The process is experiential allowing for a true connection to the authenticity of each individual present.

The equine facilitation engages with the horses and learning in a playful, curious, safe way. Standing in the presence of the horse, there is acceptance to be who you truly are. This is empowering and facilitates respect, trust and a mindful way of being.


Our mentors & resources

Australian Equine Facilitated Learning (AEFL)

Elaine Russel


Adventures in Awareness (AIA)

Barbara Rector


Groundwork Therapy

Kylie Peters


Horse Powered Reading

Michele Pickel


Balance of Power

Linda Kohanov



And of course all the horses that cross our path teaching us along the way…